ISSUE 05: MAY 2019
In its fifth issue, Unootha delves into the topic of menstrual health and periods, each piece thoughtfully told and presented. The effects of menstrual health on gender identity and the quality of life on individuals are touched upon, alongside conversations on menstrual literacy and sustainability.
Zainab Alradhi: Niswa
Dana Al Rashid: The Sacred Cycle
Malak Altaeb: The Period Talk
Esraa Husain: The Forbidden Grey Area
Maryam Al Shawab: Guiding Pains: How cramps taught me to love being a woman
Shayma: Period Platforms You Should Check Out
Fajer Taqi: Once Upon a Full Moon
Nouf AlJahdami: VAV (Virtual Arab Vagina)
Aysha: The Ads Lied
Dana Al Rashid: Moon Cycle
Kamélia Bourahla: Tous en Rouge
Anonymous: A Flower
Lana Barakeh: Re: Personal Hygiene
Mawadah: Thy Period
Dana Al Rashid: Red
N.R.: Dear period,