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issue 10

 now accepting submissions: exophony


Exophony is commonly described as the practice of writing in a language other than your mother tongue. When we write in a language that we were not nurtured within, what do we say? What can we put into words, that we cannot in another language? Can we be more honest? More courageous? Or are we hiding? Obscuring ourselves more deeply? 

If you write in multiple languages, how does your voice change from one to another and another and another? What languages do you have? What languages do you lack? Is language something we can ever possess? Does a mother tongue even exist? 

Read the full open call and submit below.



issue 08: flux

Each piece in our latest issue is a story of change that captures its endless shades, shapes, and forms. In so many ways, this issue we’re sharing with you today is nothing short of a celebration of change, of liminal spaces, of uncertainty, of that queasy feeling at the bottom of your stomach.

As the world continues to twist and turn, as the tides continue to flow in erratic and heavy manners, our eighth issue works to offer you company. The world is big, at times solitary. The work in this issue reminds you that despite it all, you are never alone. Don’t be afraid. Dive in.